
Garment Merchandiser [ KDC Phú Tảo - Hải Dương ]

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2023
Công việc hết hạn nộp hồ sơ
Code Job Job code: JHC0030529

Tóm tắt công việc

Địa điểm
  • Hải Dương
Cấp độ
Nhân viên
Ngành nghề
Chế tạo & Sản xuất - Mua hàng, Trưng bày & Quản lý vật liệu

Mô tả công việc

1. Brand, supplier, and factory Analysis.
- Before anything, firstly build up strong network with brand (buyer), supplier and factory.
- Understand general requirement of buyer.
- Understand what types of product does buyer want to target its customer.
- Understand characteristic of each supplier’s material and use this knowledge when ordering materials.
- Understand strength/weakness of factory and use this knowledge to produce right product at right factory.
- After all, it is MD’s main job to set up suitable production process.

2. Product development
- Receive and review product details from buyer. This includes tech-pack, BOM, size spec, comment and other requirement.
- Assist factory to arrange pattern based on above information.
- Arrange initial planning and share with all parties so that product development is align with buyer’s sales plan and factory’s production capacity.
- Do analysis on product to avoid any technical problem.
- Based on BOM, estimate leadtime for each sample stage.
- Review BOM to make MRP (material requirement pack) for sample-making.
- Once MRP is ready, pre-arrange sample material by sharing information with TI, TIHK, domestic and foreign supplie
- When starting development stage, make sure to get forecast idea on bulk production to offer more accurate costing.
- Once received forecast, book greige for fabric immediately.

3. Sampling
-  Check with buyer about what kind of samples do they need (proto, size-set, SMS, PP).
-  If SMS is required, pre-book factory’s sample capacity. Also, set-up deadline for ordering SMS material
- SMS material refers booking greige and those with long leadtime (i.e. YKK).
- Once received sample request, grip the sample schedule. Before confirming samplemaking, it is required to check overall schedule with buyer and factory.
- Once sample-making has started, check daily sample status with sample-room manager.
- Once sample is done, check quality of sample before sending –together with QC PIC.
- Work on sample-checking report.
- Receive and analyse buyer’s comment on sample and share with factory.
- Check if buyer requires SMS. If required, pre-book factory’s sample capacity.
- Once PP sample is approved:
*Check and arrange trim card for production.
*Review current planning status.
*Check availability on final TP, BOM, packing instruction, shipping instruction and other special instruction if there’s any.
*Comment for bulk production if PP sample was not satisfactory.
- Prioritize buyer’s garment delivery date. By calculating dates backward, make sure to secure each PO’s cutting date.
- During sampling, all precedents needed to be done as well. This includes:
*Chasing correct artwork for all print/emb/label from buyer.
*Develop the design with most efficient method.
*Provide capacity booking to print/emb room.
*Submit print/emb strike off for buyer:s approval.
*Passing approved copy of the strike off to the related department.
*Negotiate price if it is done outside factory with sub-contractor.
*Communicate with supplier for general issues.
*Study to know about characteristic of fabric and trims (i.e. shrinkage, stretch, potential migration, etc)

4. Costing
- When each sample is finished, work on costing based on net consumption from factory then submit to his/her direct supervisor.
- Costing requires double checking consumption based on marker or actual sample.
- When forecast is provided, negotiate best CM with factory.
- After each sampling stage, check with buyer if there’s any change in forecasted qty.
- Do not share costing information with any other person than your supervisor.

5. Order confirmation.
- Once PO is issued, quote garment delivery date by checking factory`s capacity.
- Check all the details in the PO sheet.
- Communicate with buyer in case there is any discrepancy in PO sheet.
- Pass correct order sheet to all concerned parties/departments.
- Contact TIHK to issue SC to factory and PI to buyer.
- Once PO is received and confirmed, order fabric immediately.
- Order trims with long leadtime.

6. Planning
- Set up initial planning as soon as buyer provides forecast on certain PO. Usually this comes with 1st proto sample request.
- Based on initial planning, double check sample status and determine material order date.
- Review planning status on weekly basis. Factory will provide it.
- Take extra care when an order is taking place at busy season.
- Do not let factory change initial planning unless it’s discussed with MD.

7. Material procurement
- Whenever ordering material, get confirmed ready-date from supplier first then share with related department including TI and TIHK.
- MD should set up ready-date as he/she knows well about due date for material arrival.
- Double check consumption of each style with CAD before ordering material.
- Follow-up approval status of lab dips / strike off / mockup of fabric, trim, and prints.
- Follow-up fabric and trim delivery date.
- Prioritize the fabric delivery schedule based on garment delivery date.
- Submit required trims to buyer if approval is needed.
- Follow-up supplier/assistance to ensure on-time delivery.
- Order material before cut-off date (note that fabric should have been ordered already).
- Receive material status from related department on regular basis so that there is no delay due to late arrival of material.
- If material delay is detected, firstly work out with supplier with previously confirmed ready-date.
- Planning of each PO needs to be updated on weekly basis in one aggregated file.
- If any delay is detected, work with factory’s related department (Production Management for productivity problem / Material Control department for material delay…)

8. Bulk production and export.
- After receiving shipping document of fabric, double-check consumption of each style with CAD.
- Once fabric is exfac and shipped, get quality data from supplier and check with fabric record from sampling.
- Once fabric is arrived and inspected, give confirmation to use/NG to factory if needed.
- Check cutting and input report which factory provides.
- Check daily production report and analyse/advise result to factory.
- Inspect TOP/shipping sample before sending to buyer.
- Arrange booking for export with proper booking note and shipmode confirmation from buyer.
- Review factory`s final inspection report before goods are shipped.
- On-time delivery of TOP/shipping sample or inspection report in order to get on-time shipping approval.
- Once export schedule is fixed, share with TIHK so that they can work on documentation for shipping docs, payment, and etc.

9. Quality analysis
- Cooperating with QA/QC, make sure the quality of finished goods is acceptable by buyer.
- Instruct comments from sample and previous bulk to factory.
- Receive bulk QC comment from buyer then apply for next PO.
- If 3rd-party inspection is needed, arrange schedule based on production schedule.

10. Additional responsibility
- He/She is expected to willingly follow manager’s instruction as well as company regulation and CSR.
- Handle all documents with responsibility. This includes not only product-development document, but also docs related with material importing & garment export.
- Participate in meeting with foreign buyers and suppliers when needed.
- Participate in meeting with local factory staff when needed.
- Perform internal meeting with production, planning, quality, store, finishing and any other department related with garment development and production.

Yêu cầu công việc

- Working place: Phu Tao Residential Area, Thach Khoi Ward, Hai Duong Province.
- At least 5 years experience.
- Language: Good command in English, able to use Japanese is preferable.


* Benefit: 

- Performance Bonus for all staff.
- Annual Health Check-up for all staff.
- Good career advancement opportunities.
- 12 days annual leave.
- Company trip, Year-End Party.
- Compulsory Insurance in full gross salary.
- Gift for Tet / Autumn Festival.

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