
Industrial Machinery Sales (Technical Sales) [ KCN Thăng Long - HN ]

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024
Code Job Job code: JHN0033307

Tóm tắt công việc

Địa điểm
  • Hà Nội
Cấp độ
Nhân viên
Ngành nghề
Marketing, Kinh doanh, Bán hàng & Dịch vụ - Bán hàng & Phát triển/Quản lý kinh doanh

Mô tả công việc

We are seeking a motivated Technical Sales Engineer to drive sales of machine tools and measuring instruments. This role involves both pre-sales and post-sales support, ensuring comprehensive service from initial client engagement to ongoing maintenance.

- Develop client relationships and assess their needs to propose tailored solutions.
- Prepare machining quotations, test cutting programs, and tool layouts in the pre-sales phase.
- Provide calibration, setup, maintenance, repair, and overhaul services post-sale.
- Deliver technical presentations and conduct client training sessions.

Yêu cầu công việc

- Experience working for a machine tool manufacturer or its distributor.
- Those who actually use machine tools in production and have knowledge of their operation and maintenance and are interested in sales.

* Preferred Skills:
- Has Language skills Japanese or English.
- Study or work experience in Japan.


* Benefit: 

- Two bonuses (one in June and one before Tet) linked to company performance and the individual's performance.
- Annual Pay raise.
- Transportation (pick up in Hanoi or motorcycle allowance).
- Telephone allowance.
- Insurance (including family if you have).
- Company trip.

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